In today’s fast-paced workplace, staying organized and efficient is essential, but cluttered email inboxes can make this challenging. The 2024 Benchmark Email Marketing Analysis shows Gmail’s dominance with 73% of business email usage, highlighting its potential to help users streamline tasks and boost productivity.


Three Key Habits to Boost Work Efficiency

While Gmail is a powerful tool, it can be difficult to maximize its potential without fully understanding its features. This article will guide you through Gmail’s functions and how to customize it to suit your needs. By developing these three key habits, you can enhance your work efficiency:

1. Remove Unnecessary Content

If your inbox is filled with hundreds of emails, browsing through it can drain your focus. Start by searching for irrelevant emails, like those with “unsubscribe” or “view in browser,” and create an automatic filter to delete them. You can also set up filters, block senders, unsubscribe, or mark emails as spam. By removing unnecessary messages, you can quickly declutter your inbox and improve your focus.

2. Ensure Important Content Stands Out

Use labels, colors, and filters to make sure important emails are easily visible. Create a “VIP” label with a standout color like red, and set up a filter to apply this label to emails from key stakeholders, like your supervisor or important clients. You can also mark these emails with a star. Additionally, create unique labels and filters for regular emails, such as newsletters and calendar invites, to quickly spot important messages as you scan your inbox.

3. Develop Good Email Organization Habits

Organizing emails is like sorting laundry: you wouldn’t mix clean and dirty clothes or handle items one at a time. Yet many people mix read and unread emails, wasting time rereading the same messages. Developing good email organization habits can improve your efficiency and streamline your workflow.

Schedule dedicated “email time” on your calendar to categorize messages into four labels: Reply, Read, Review, and Low Priority.

  • Reply: Messages that need immediate attention.
  • Read: Informational emails that don’t require a response.
  • Review: Messages needing follow-up before responding.
  • Low Priority: Less urgent tasks or completed work, which can be archived for future reference.


Three Steps to Create Your Personalized Gmail Experience

  1. Preparation: Based on the previous instructions, categorize your emails into four groups: Reply, Read, Review, and Low Priority. Then, under “Settings,” enable multiple inboxes and create individual inboxes for each category.
  2. Further Customize Your Gmail Setup: Tailor your Gmail layout to suit your work habits. For example, if you receive too many document update notifications, you can customize alerts to stop similar notifications. You can also personalize the appearance by adjusting the layout or choosing a visual theme, and add or remove inbox categories and labels.
  3. Use Gemini for Google Workspace to Enhance Your Inbox
    Gemini for Google Workspace can help you quickly find information and draft emails based on related threads. For example, if a client requests the latest sales data, the “Help me write” feature in Gemini for Google Workspace can draft an email based on your inbox content, specifying that it should include Q1 sales figures. In seconds, Gemini can compile complete data from documents, sheets, or presentations, meeting your work needs swiftly and reducing search time to boost efficiency.


This article was translated and adapted from the official Google Cloud blog.

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